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About this Guide

This administrator's guide provides a detailed depiction of how to set up and customize Alt Worklife, as per an organization's requirements. This module wise guide tells you about both organization and user specific settings as per the organization policies and roles assigned. It also enables you to post solutions for FAQs related to HR procedures adopted to increase knowledge base.

Alt Worklife is an end to end HR solution that is built on best practice concepts to effectively manage your organization's workforce for improved performance and results.

With this guide, you can:

  • Create users and grant access to Alt Worklife
  • Assign roles to users
  • Manage links on Home page
  • Customize menu names and their sequencing
  • Create custom form
  • Customize menu and form settings
  • Provide permissions to users
  • Form employee groups and map them
  • Generate workflows for tasks
  • Do server configurations
  • Generate FAQs